Functional Habits at School

Facundo Couto Icasati

Promotion of Child Development in the school environment

Problem Poor posture and mouth breathing in school-age children is a reality that is affecting the good development of new generations, hindering their learning capacity and the optimal development of their potential, resulting in children with attention deficit, lack of aerobic and respiratory problems.


Solution offer the possibility of holding the Colloquium "Introduction to the early identification of bad childhood habits" in Clubs, Schools, Associations, Municipalities, City Councils or any other area where the problem to be solved with the "Functional Habits at School" Program can be presented.

Funding Instrument for NGOs

Thank you for your support in the DAO Fundraising Project, to create a system that manages the donations received for the Functional Habits at School Program through the blockchain.

Preventing obstructive sleep apnea during childhood is one of the main objectives of the Colloquium "Introduction to the early identification of bad childhood habits" and the "Functional Habits at School" Program, promoting the education of teachers and families in the early identification of bad breathing and postural habits, to avoid poor development of the airways in future adults.

Goal 3.2

By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least 12 per 1,000 live births, and under-5 mortality by least up to 25 per 1,000 live births.

Colloquium "Introduction to the early identification of bad childhood habits"

Objective introduce the identification of bad childhood habits to opinion leaders, businessmen, influencers and professionals in general, with the intention of generating synergies, such that it is possible to have the possibility of carrying out the "Functional Habits at School" project in educational institutions , manage to document a success story and then be able to replicate the experience internationally.


"Functional Habits for School" Program

Executive Summary

Promote good respiratory and postural habits in the population between the ages of 4 and 12, preschool and primary education, during two years of the school year and evaluate results through a detailed medical questionnaire.

Poor posture and mouth breathing in school-age children is a reality that is affecting the good development of new generations, hindering their learning capacity and the optimal development of their potential, resulting in tired children, with attention deficit, lack of aerobic capacity and respiratory problems.

Ideally, identifying and correcting bad postural and breathing habits begins at home, but we know that this situation does not occur, so it would be desirable for follow-up at school, correcting and educating students who require it, of teaching staff previously trained by health professionals.

Introduce and train teaching staff in the detection of students with oral breathing and/or postural problems, by health professionals in the area of influence of the School, with the intention of creating a certain complicity between Teacher and Doctor or Dentist to help in the optimal development of new generations.



Speakers - Professionals with an interest in helping children develop well as part of the "Functional School Habits Team".

Public - Preschool and/or school education teachers.

Location - School Facilities, Town Hall, Civic Center and/or online modality.



Stage 1

  • Training of professionals in "Introduction to the Early Identification of Bad Childhood Habits" (EIBCH)
  • Printing of 1000 copies of the Practical Guide "EIBCH".

Stage 2

  • Training of teachers at the school and preschool level by professionals trained in "EIBCH"
  • Delivery of the "EIBCH" Guides to trained teachers with access codes to the e-learning platform in Google Classroom, for control and monitoring of the results obtained.

Stage 3

  • Monitoring and updating of teachers regarding the application of "EIBCH", with the aim of having the experience documented and achieving success stories, to be able to replicate it in more schools.

Stage 4

  • Presentation of results for semester periods, documented and certified by the teaching staff, plus dissemination through digital media to other Institutions interested in implementing the "Functional Habits at School" program.


Description of market insertion approach

Among the trained professionals, constitute the "Functional Habits at School Team", to train in "Functional Habits at School Day" in the School Centers.

Action Protocol to be followed by the "Functional Habits Team"

        a    Train teachers through a professional trained in "EIBCH".

        b    Implement games and exercises among students oriented to the "EIBCH".

        c    Monitoring and study of evolution in students.


Technical feasibility analysis

The subsequent follow-up and monitoring will be through the e-learning platform in Google Classroom, where there will be a rating through a questionnaire by the teaching staff on the evolution of the students, in order to quantify the result of the program and corroborate if it has been successful or certain content would have to be modified or adapted in order to improve the implementation.

Expected results

  • Reduction of respiratory diseases in the school population.
  • Improvement of the cognitive capacity of students.
  • Reduction of allergic episodes caused by air pollution.
  • Improvement of the aerobic capacity of students.
  • Reduction in exposure to airborne viruses (example: SARS-CoV-2)
  • Improvement of students' oral language.


Medical Directors

  • Dr Marisa Santos. Orthodontist and Pediatric Dentist. Argentina.
  • Dr Jesús Rangel. Pediatric Otorhinolaryngologist. Mexico.


State of the art


Bibliography and scientific publications that support the work to be done

(links in titles)

Horario de Atención
Teléfono, WhatsApp ó Telegram

  • Lu – Vi
    • 08:00 am – 08:00 pm
  • Sábado
    • 08:00 am – 06:00 pm
  • Domingo
    • Cerrado

Visita nuestro Canal en YouTube

 ENCICLOPEDIA DIGITAL del DESARROLLO INFANTIL ATME IATREA Sociedad Civil. Educación y difusión mediática para atraer la atención pública hacia los beneficios relacionados con el buen hábito respiratorio, postural, higiénico y alimenticio, mediante la organización de eventos formativos con Profesionales de la Salud ENCYCLOPEDIA of CHILD DEVELOPMENT ATME IATREA Civil Society. Education and media outreach to attract public attention to the benefits related to good respiratory, postural, hygienic and nutritional habits, through the organization of training events with Health Professionals

Dra Marisa Santos

  • Docente de la Carrera de Especialistas de Ortodoncia Universidad Abierta Interamericana.
    Titular de la Carrera: Profesora Laura Labate.
  • Disertante en 3 rd Congress Academy of applied Myofunctional Sciences.                                                                                                         Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. ‘Treating Children Earlier’. Rome 2018 Sept 5-10.
  • Disertante en el 16 Symposium of International Association of Facial Growth Guidance ‘Early intervention and airway’. London Sept 3-5.
  • London School of Facial Orthotropics. Updates. 2018 September 11-17. Purely, London.
  • Poster presentation  IAPD congress ‘EXPANSION and Gopex’. 2019 July 3-7 Cancun Mexico.
  • Disertante en la UNAM. Congreso de Odontopediatria y Ortopedia ‘Importancia del tratamiento temprano en Ortodoncia’.
    2019 Septiembre 18,19,20 Facultad de Medicina UNAM-Mexico.
  • AAO Winter Conference. Sleep apnea and Orthodontics: consensus and Guidance. 2020 January 24 Marco Island.
  • Gopex-Forwardontics Course. 2019 Jan 25/27 Redwood City-California.
  • Disertante en 5 th Congress of Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences INTERNATIONAL PEDIATRIC ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY.
    Myofunctional Orthodontic Intervention at the earliest age possible to help the most amount of children.

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